A solemn league and covenant, for reformation, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace & safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. - Also, two speciall orders: viz. I. Concerning the taking of the Solemn League and Covenant in all churches and chappels in London and Westminster. II. Concerning divers lords, knights, gentlemen, colonells, officers, souldiers, and others, that are desirous to meet upon Friday next in the forenoon, at Margarets-Westminster, and to take the said League and Covenant. With a preamble concerning the excellent usefullnesse of the said Covenant; made by a worthy member of the House of Commons

Solemn League and Covenant (1643)
(Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this League and orders be printed and published: H: Elsynge, cler. Parl. D. Com.)
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Printed for Edward Husbands 1643 England, London 8 sidor.